We are still finishing May Day Baskets, If anyone wants to help I will be working on them this Thursday, May 2nd

Join us on February 29th to listen to Stephen Tibbert, as he reads this adorable book about being different from everyone else.

it calls equal parts corn starch and Shaving cream. mix it in a baggy to contain mess.

Come join us Saturday, March 25 at 10 to listen to young author Ms. Maggie Bell tell us about her book.

October 22 Newsletter

The Francis Malcolm Science Center is having a Stargazing Party 9/3/22 at 7:30 PM

Today we had the privilege of delivering our May baskets to The Mars Hill Nursing Home, Mars Hill Town and Blaine Town Offices. We also sent one to the Bridgewater Town Office as well. We hope they are a blessing to all that see them.

Mars Hill Nursing Home

Mars Hill Town Office

Blaine Town Office

The Best Mother Part 1
The Best Mother Part 2

January 27th

January 20th

Martin’s Big Words
January 13th

January 6th
P. Bear’s New Year’s Party
by Paul Owen Lewis

Local Author Mark Roberts will be presenting “Doug the Waterbug’s First Christmas at 10 am December 18th. There will be an exhibit of his original work. If Able please bring a donation of a non-perishable food for our local pantry.
Part one the the Polar Bear that Saved Christmas
Part Two of The Polar Bear Who Saved Christmas

Story Time

pre packaged snack and juice box or water and a craft, made here to take home.

Holiday Closing Hours…..
Christmas Eve,
Thursday, December 24th Closing @ 3 PM
Christmas Day,
Friday, December, 25th Closed
New Years Eve,
Thursday, December 31, Closing @ 3 PM
New Years Day,
Friday, January first Closed

by the library any day in October to participating in the Harry
Potter Themed activity were you get a sweet treat and enter into a
month long costume contest! Three Grand-Prize winners will have their
favorite spooky book or movie entered into our collection in their
name, as well as selecting on of our fantastic take-home prizes!

Story Time
The Story of Ferdinand
Poetry Month

Lego Time Group.
We will post a challenge or theme then you CREATE and post your masterpieces

Due to the governor’s recent Stay Healthy at Home mandate we will not be able to do our Walk-Up Window. We will be posting on our Facebook page and updating our website along with doing some exciting projects until we know more about when we can reopen.

Come one, come all… Books for sale!!! We are pruning our shelves to make room for new items. All proceeds go directly to buying NEW material for the community to enjoy.
Betsy York, Librarian, January 2020’s

Celebrate librarian, Betsy our January, Hometown Hero. Come Listen, to stories about working at CAHS, and reminisce with her about your time as a student, or co-worker. Along with hearing about her time consulting in Easton and Fort Fairfield.
Drawing classes open to artists of all skill levels will be held
January 30th at 3:00-4:00 pm .
Supplies will be provided, bring only your imagination!
(Students from the elementary and high school could come over after school to participate.)





Come meet Maine author Angel Murchison as we will be hosting a book signing Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 6:00 PM. Angel will be sharing real life experiences from her book Good Morning Beautiful People, Angel’s Prayer of the Day.

September 24th at 6 PM
This month we will be listening to one of our volunteer firefighters read a story and telling us about how they suit up and help our communities each and every day.
Recognizing our Volunteers

Come listen to him read A Place For Pluto and
learn how he helps our community
Tuesday Aug 27th at 6 PM
So You want to buy a telescope
Thursday Aug 22nd at 6 pm



July 30 @ 6 PM
Presenting 2018 Junior Miss Mars Hill
Come walk through the looking Glass into a world of imagination
July 27 at 10 AM-12PM

Explore the Night Sky
With Roger Libby @6pm July 18th
Learn what and how to find stars and other amazing things with our naked eye and binoculars
Author Tim Caverly
July 9th at 6pm


Spring Celebration Party
April 27th
10 AM – 12 PM

Come Celebrate the end of a long harsh WINTER and SPRING into Spring!
May Baskets for Our Nursing Home
April 23rd
2:30-7:30 PM

Bringing a little joy and bit of good ol’ tradition to our friends and family.
Windows 10 Computer
April 18th and 24th@ 5:30-8:30 PM

Scam/Fraud Prevention Workshop
April 2nd at 6PM

Internet Safety Class

Thursday, March 28 at 6
Hometown Heroes
Tuesday, March 26th at 6 PM
Starring Shallie Estabrook



Stories from this month’s Hometown Hero
David Cyr
February 26th, at 6 PM
Come Listen to their favorite story and learn
about how he helps us each and every day.

Valentine’s Day Themed String Art
5:30-7:30 Pm
Monday, Feb 4th, 2019
$5.00 per Person
Bring your hammer and a pattern of what you want to
wrap and we will see what type of fun we will get tied up in.

Stories from our Hometown Heroes
The Last Tuesday of Each Month
6 PM
Come Listen to their favorite story and learn
about how they help us each and every day.

December 13th@6:30
$20.00 per Person

Family Christmas Party

December 8th from
10 AM-12 PM
Adults wear your crazy sweaters and kiddos come have fun with snowmen

Monday, November 26th @ 5:30 PM
Wreath Making
$10/Piece $8 if you bring your own form
(Bring your own decorations)
Bough Collecting Party
November 24th @ 12
Meet at Library
Hot Chocolate and Cider for those who help

Monday Nights
From 5:30-730 PM
Bring a craft and work on it while making friends with fellow crafters.
Come Join Our Book Club
the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
at 6:30

LEGO Party/ Bikes for Books Drawing
August 4th, 2018
10 AM -!2 PM
Bike Drawing at 11:145

Mad Hatter Tea Party
July 28th
10 AM-12 PM

Pirate and Princess Party
June 9th From 10 AM – 12 PM


How to Protect Your Assets in a Long-Term Care Event
with Pam Scheppele, Retirement Planning Professional,
Wednesday, May 23rd

Aroostook Agency on Aging Overview and Medicare
with Tammy Delong, Medicare Specialist,
Wednesday, May 16th

Rick Duncan, Chairman of Aroostook Hospice Foundation,
Wednesday, May 9th

Medical Power of Attorney
With Whitney Pinette, Social Worker,
Wednesday, May 2nd

Jr and Sr. High Poetry Workshop
With Aimee Long
Saturday, April 28th
Come express yourself in written form

Getting the Garden Ready
with Linda Trickey
Saturday, April 21st
Estate Planning
with Attorney Jessica Currier
Wills, Power of Attorney and Estate Planning

Wednesday, April 11th

Paint and Sip
Saturday, April 7th
6-9 PM
Proceeds go to helping the library
RSVP- Space is limited

Valentine’s Day Themed String Art
5:30-7:30 Pm
Monday, Feb 5th, 2018
$5.00 per Person
Bring your hammer and a pattern of what you want to
wrap and we will see what type of fun we will get tied up in.

November 18th, 2017
6-9 PM
Proceeds go to helping the library
RSVP- Space is limited
Wreath Making Night
November 27th 2017
5:30-7:30 PM

RSVP – In order for us to get enough supplies
December 9th, 2017
10 AM-12 PM
Monster Mash
Come Visit our TRUNK at the Mars Hill,Full Gospel Assembly
Trunk or Treat on Halloween between 5-7 PM

Calling all Book Worms !

Group 1 meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 6:30 PM.
About to Read Olivia’s Ocean
Group 2 Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM,
Finishing up Wild, by Cheryl Strayed and Reading Bossypants, by Tina Faye.
DATE CHANGE !!!!!!!!!
August 26th @ 10-12
Home Canning with Linda Trickey

August 2nd, 2017 10-11 AM
Read Across Aroostook
July 27th, 2017 @ 3 PM
Drawing Class with Josiah
July 15th Time 10-12 AM
Pirate and Princess Party

June 24th Time TBA Party
Rock Painting

JUNE 19th-August 11th
Sponsored by Aroostook Lodge #197
Let Every Book You Read Become A Chance To Win A New BIKE!!!!!

Alice In Wonderland Tea Party
11:30 AM

Linda Trickey from the University of Maine Extension
will be speaking about Raising Backyard Poultry
Saturday, June 3rd @ 10:00 AM
Toddler Time – Tuesday mornings 10 AM
Story and Activity
Geared toward 1-3 years old
Children must be accompanied by an adult
Craft Club – Mondays 5:30-7:30
Crime Stoppers Meeting
Tuesday – May 9th – 6 PM
Library Board Meeting
Thursday, May 11th – 5:30 PM